Your Social Media Experts Sister's Day

August 7th, 2022 7:15pm

By: Brandi Edwards

Your Social Media experts Sister's Day


they love you.

they challenge you.

they get you.

"They are built-in best friend for life!"

If you have a sister, you're lucky! Having a sister is having someone you can talk to about anything for the rest of your life. When we get older, we spend family traditions together with each other's kids. Sisters don't have to be blood related. They can be your all time best friend too.

Why is family important to us? 
Families boost our confidence and make us feel loved. They are the pillars of our strength who never lead us astray, yet show us the right paths to take. We learn the values of love, respect, faith, hope, caring, cultures, ethics, traditions, and everything else that concerns us through our families.
Why are Family Traditions important to us?
Bringing family together, creating life long traditions is heart felt, loving, compassionate and something you will always remember. Passing down family traditions generation after generation, how priceless! 
Ideas for Family Traditions?
  • Everyone brings a dish, either brunch, lunch or dinner!
  • Watching Football or Sports
  • The Movies
  • Falling asleep after eating lol
  • Card Games
  • Board Games
  • Yard Games
  • Vacations
  • Poetry
  • Karaoke
These are just a few that would be totally fun!!


For there is no friend like a sister

In calm or stormy weather; 

To cheer one on the tedious way, 

To fetch one if one goes astray,

To lift one if one totters down, 

To strengthen whilst one stands

How beautiful Christina Rossetti. Your Poetry inspires me, and this poem is close to my heart. 
We often forget how important our siblings are. Of course we may argue or even get in a huge fights, but there is no other love that we have with our family. We all need to remember, let's love each other. Be kind, forgive easily, and love like there is no tomorrow.
Happy Sister's Day!!
The Your Social Media Experts Team